
Maynard tells how

he climbed to the peak

of physical perfection









SINCE winning the N.A.B.B.A. Professional Mr. Universe title in London last September people have been asking how does it feel to be Mr. Universe. Such a feeling cannot be adequately expressed in words, especially if one has worked long and hard to reach such a goal.

When I was on the winner's rostrum at the Victoria Palace my mind wandered to my first Mr. Universe contest way back in 1957 when my old friend and wrestling companion, John Lees, won the title. In this event, which was indeed star-studded with such names like Gene Boharty, Jacobus Jacobs, Ron Lacy, Doug Strohl and Henry Downs, I was very fortunate to place seventh in that event. This being my first 'Universe' contest was an exceptionally great thrill and I went away from that contest with such a great feeling and an enormous wealth of inspiration and determination. to someday win that award, indeed the greatest of all awards in the sphere of bodybuilding.

In 1958 again I am competing, but this time I have a year of 'Universe' experience behind me and I put to good use the training ideas that have been garnered the previous year from the top boys. It pays off; from seventh place the previous year to first place winner of the Class 1, Amateur; in my book quite an achievement among the world's top men. However, the big title goes to American Earl Clark, who very narrowly beats Len Sell. Here, I thought, I was getting close to the top, but alas, the road to the top is indeed a very hard and long one, often with setbacks and great sacrifices.

I was more determined than ever to make an all-out bid for the top title in 1959. While readying for the event I won nearly every top title in Great Britain, including the Television Adonis of Great Britain award, beating Len Sell, Paul Wynter, John Hewlett and many others. This victory, coming off just three weeks before the Mr. Universe contest, boosted my confidence enormously, and I went into the contest feeling on top of the world. But, although winning the Class 1 title for the second year running, I failed to take the top title, losing to Len Sell.

In 1960 I did not compete, having to compete with the Royal Air Force, and losing, I was sent to Cyprus, where there was no Mr. Universe contest. I was, however, very pleased to see my two good friends, Henry Downs. and Paul Wynter win the top titles.

The year is 1961 and again I am in hard training after spending most of the past year wrestling. This time, however, I have bitten off more than I can chew, because my main opposition is in the fantastic shape of the one and only Bill Pearl who arrived in truly fantastic shape.

I remember following his career right from the start and he has really worked hard for his success. On the Thursday prior to the judging I was introduced to Bill in the foyer of the Royal Hotel and I was immediately impressed with his wonderful manner and, of course, anyone could see the herculean development that was lying underneath the casual clothes.

At the judging I was particularly impressed with his fine thighs and calves. I was pleased to be placed second to this really great star. After this contest I decided to take a rest from serious bodybuilding for a while.


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